Page 185 - 嘉应客家百味志
P. 185
Braised Duck with Bamboo Shoots
■ 主料 ■ Main Ingredients
番鸭 半只(约1500克) ½ Muscovy duck (about 1500 grams)
新鲜冬笋 700克 700 grams fresh winter bamboo shoots
猪脚 半只(约750克) ½ pork trotter (about 750 grams)
■ 辅料 ■ Auxiliary Ingredients
鱿鱼须 50克 50 grams squid tentacles
香菇 8个 8 dried mushrooms
姜片 200克 200 grams ginger slices
二汤 1500克 1500 grams light broth
■ 调料 ■ Seasonings
食盐 2茶匙 2 teaspoons salt
味精 1茶匙 1 teaspoon MSG (optional)
生抽 2茶匙 2 teaspoons light soy sauce
胡椒粉 1茶匙 1 teaspoon ground pepper
食用油 2汤匙 2 tablespoons cooking oil
■ 制作流程 ■ Method
1. 将番鸭和猪脚砍成大块;鱿鱼须浸泡后切丝;香 1. Chop the duck and pork trotter into large pieces. Soak
菇浸泡后切块;冬笋切成角块状。 the squid tentacles and cut them into thin shreds af-
2. 将锅烧热后放入少许油加热,煸香鱿鱼须和香 ter soaking. Soak the mushrooms and cut them into
菇,盛起备用。 pieces. Cut the winter bamboo shoots into wedges.
3. 锅中加入适量的油,煸炒姜片至金黄色,然后放 2. Heat the wok and add appropriate amount of oil to
入鸭肉和猪脚,继续煸炒片刻。 heat. Stir-fry the squid tentacles and mushrooms un-
til fragrant. Remove and set aside.
4. 加入香菇、鱿鱼和冬笋,继续煸炒,然后加入食 3. In the same wok, add appropriate amount of oil to
盐、味精、生抽和胡椒粉调味。倒入二汤,最后 heat. Stir-fry the ginger slices until golden brown.
将所有食材移入大泥煲中。 Add duck meat and pork trotter. Stir-fry briefly.
5. 用文火焖煮约45分钟,期间需开盖翻动,直至肉 4. Return the mushrooms, squid tentacles and winter
质软糯即可。 bamboo shoots to the wok. Continue stir-frying. Add
salt, MSG, light soy sauce and ground pepper for sea-
■ 风味特色 soning. Pour in the light broth. Then transfer every-
芳香四溢,软糯可口。 thing to a large clay pot and cover with a lid.
5. Simmer over low heat for about 45 minutes. Occa-
sionally uncovering to stir, until the meat becomes
■ Flavour Characteristics
Rich aroma, tender and delicious texture.