Page 187 - 嘉应客家百味志
P. 187
Top Three Scholars’ Soup (Sanjiditang)
■ 主料 ■ Main Ingredients
寄顶肉 100克 100 grams pork collar meat
猪粉肠 50克 50 grams pig intestines
猪肝 50克 50 grams pork liver
■ 辅料 ■ Auxiliary Ingredients
甜菜 50克 50 grams sweet beet
■ 调料 ■ Seasonings
红曲粉 半茶匙 ½ teaspoon red yeast rice powder
食盐 1茶匙 1 teaspoon salt
猪油 半汤匙 ½ tablespoon lard
胡椒粉 半茶匙 ½ teaspoon ground pepper
■ 制作流程 ■ Method
1. 将新鲜的猪肝和寄顶肉切成薄片,猪粉肠清洗干 1. Cut the pig collar meat and pork liver into thin slices.
净后跳刀切段备用。 Clean the pig intestines thoroughly and cut them into
2. 锅中加入清水,放入红曲粉,煮沸后加入寄顶 segments.
肉、猪肝和猪粉肠(蕉岭特色,肉料理不需要腌 2. Add water to a pot, mix in red yeast rice powder and
制,可直接入锅)。 bring to a boil. Then add the pig collar meat, pork
3. 加入甜菜(也可以选择枸杞叶、红背菜、萝卜 liver and pig intestines (a speciality in Jiaoling, meats
青、番茄或苦瓜)。随后加入食盐、猪油和胡椒 do not require marination before cooking, go directly
粉调味。大火煮至肉料刚熟,盛碗即成。 into the pot).
3. Add sweet beet (alternatively, Chinese wolfberry
■ 风味特色 leaves, red spinach, radish greens, tomatoes or bitter
红润鲜甜,肉质嫩滑。 gourd can also be used), followed by salt, lard and
ground pepper for seasoning. Cook over high heat
until the meat is just cooked, then serve in a bowl.
■ Flavour Characteristics
Rich red colour, sweet taste, with tender and smooth