Page 21 - The Buddhist Pantheon as Seen Through Postage Stamps
P. 21

燃灯古佛                                                                                                      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

                            Dipankara Buddha

                            Dipankara is generally regarded as the

                            Buddha of the past and is said to have

                            predicted  the  coming  of  Shakyamuni

                            Buddha.  It  is  said  that  in  one  of

                            Gautama  Buddha  was  the  hermit

                            Sumedha  in  one  of  his  past  lives  was

                            inspired by Buddha Dipankara so much

                            so  that  he  vowed  to  become  a  Buddha

                            in future. Dipankara gave his blessings

                            and  prophesied  that  he  would  become

                            a Buddha by the name of Gautama.


                            得 名 , 佛 教 中 纵 三 世 佛 之 过 去 佛 , 为 释 迦 牟

                            尼 佛 之 前 的 佛 , 地 位 极 尊 , ⽽ 来 世 佛 则 为“ 弥

                                                                                                                                                                                        尼 泊 尔 燃 灯 佛 游 ⾏
                            勒 佛” 。 因 燃 灯 佛 出 ⽣ 时 ⾝ 边 ⼀ 切 光 明 如 灯 ,
                                                                                                                                                         Dipankara Buddha Samyak Pooja Festival, Nepal
                                                                                                                                                                                          (Nepal: 1980)
                            故 称 为 燃 灯 佛 , ⼜ 名 定 光 如 来 、 锭 光 佛 、 普
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