Page 26 - The Buddhist Pantheon as Seen Through Postage Stamps
P. 26
⼤智⽂殊菩萨 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
Manjushri Bodhisattva
Manjushri or Wenshu Pusa is a Bodhisattva who ⽂ 殊 菩 萨, ⼜ 称 ⽂ 殊 师 利 菩 萨 、 曼 殊 室 利 菩 萨 , 亦
represents wisdom. Of all the Bodhisattvas, 称妙吉祥菩萨,佛教四⼤菩萨之⼀,释迦牟尼佛的
Manjushri has perhaps the closest association 左 胁 侍 菩 萨 , 代 表 智 慧 。 因 德 才 超 群 , 居 菩 薩 之
with the Buddha, and could be said to represent ⾸,故稱法王⼦。
his genius (in the sense of his attendant deity) or
daimon (attending spirit or inspiring force). The ⽂殊菩萨指导的弟⼦很多已成佛,所以经中常称祂
name Manjushri means “Gently Auspicious One.” 为佛⺟、诸佛之师。但为⽅便教化,利益众⽣,现
He is also known as Manjughosha, or “Gentle 乃倒驾慈航,化作菩萨,⼀⽅⾯协助释迦牟尼佛弘
Voiced One.” 法利⽣,⼀⽅⾯与普贤、观⾳、地藏等诸⼤菩萨普
Manjushri’s most distinctive emblem is the
flaming sword that he holds in his right hand
representing his mind’s ability to cut through the
fetters that bind beings to the cycle of delusion
and suffering.