Page 31 - The Buddhist Pantheon as Seen Through Postage Stamps
P. 31


                             Avalokitesvara/ Guanyin \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

                              Avalokiteshvara  (meaning  “the  lord  who  gazes                                                                               佛教的经典上说观世⾳菩萨的悲⼼⼴⼤,世间众⽣

                              down”)  or  Guanyin  is  a  compassionate  being  who                                                                           ⽆论遭遇何种灾难,若⼀⼼称念观世⾳菩萨圣号,

                              is  believed  to  possess  the  ability  to  look  in  all

                              directions  to  see  who  is  suffering  and  to  offer

                                                                                                                                                              ⼤ 悲 观 世 ⾳ 菩 萨 」 , 为 佛 教 中 知 名 度 最 ⾼ 的 ⼤ 菩
                              salvation.  Avalokiteshvara  is  the  most  widely
                              revered  among  the  many  bodhisattvas  in  the

                              Buddhist pantheon.

                                                                                                                                                              《 法 华 经 普 ⻔ 品 》 当 中 提 到 , 观 世 ⾳ 菩 萨 有 三 ⼗

                              One  of  the  most  fascinating  figures  in  Asian                                                                             ⼆种化⾝,因应众⽣的需要⽽现⾝说法。

                              Buddhist  imagery,  Avalokiteshvara  is  represented

                              in  a  multitude  of  forms,  from  a  simple  princely

                              bodhisattva  holding  a  lotus,  to  a  complex,  multi-

                              armed deity, and even a mother holding a child. In

                              recent  years,  this  bodhisattva’s  presence  has

                              extended  beyond  the  realm  of  Buddhism  and  into

                              areas of secular life.
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