Page 30 - The Buddhist Pantheon as Seen Through Postage Stamps
P. 30
⼤愿地藏王菩薩 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva
Ksitigarbha (Sanskrit: meaning
“Earth Womb”) is a famous
Mahayana Buddhist bodhisattva
who is especially popular in Asian
countries where he is worshipped
as Dizang in China. Renowned for
his vow to postpone achieving
Buddhahood until all hells are
emptied, Ksitigarbha is regarded 地藏菩萨像 Dizang Pusa Statue
as a saviour figure of immense (Macao: 2009)
compassion who seeks to save 地 藏 菩 萨, 常 称 幽 冥 教 主 。 因 其 「 安 忍 不 动
beings trapped in hell. His famous 如⼤地,静虑深密如秘藏」,故名地藏。为
vow, recited by many Buddhists, 汉传佛教四⼤菩萨之⼀,与观⾳、⽂殊、普 宋•铜鎏⾦地藏菩萨像
is, “Not until the hells are emptied 贤菩萨⼀起,深受世⼈敬仰。以其「久远劫 Dizang Pusa Statue,
Song Dynasty
will I become a Buddha; Not until 来屡发弘愿」:即在于『众⽣度尽、⽅证菩 (China: 2013)
all beings are saved will I certify 提;地狱不空、誓不成佛』故被尊称为⼤愿
to Bodhi.” 地藏菩萨。