Page 60 - The Buddhist Pantheon as Seen Through Postage Stamps
P. 60


                        The Eight Deva-Dragon


                        Dharma protectors (dharmapalas,                                                      ⼜称天⻰⼋部、指的是佛教护

                        hufashen) are beings who protect                                                     法队伍中以天、⻰为⾸的⼋个

                        or  guard  the  dharma  and  its                                                     种族护法神。⼋部众分别是:

                        adherents                    from              all         negative                      1.   天,

                        forces.  If  holy  dharma  protectors                                                    2.   ⻰,

                        are  properly  evoked  by  one  who                                                      3.   夜叉,

                        practices  the  correct  dharma,                                                         4.   乾闼婆,

                        they  can  also  bestow  blessings                                                       5.   阿修罗,

                        and            empowerment                            that             will             6.    迦楼罗,                                                                                                                   敦 煌 壁 画 , 北 魏 , 天 宫 技 乐

                        enable  one  to  quickly  become  an                                                     7.   紧那罗,                                                                                                                   Heavely Musicians
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             in the Dunhuang Grottoes,
                        enlightened holy being. They may                                                         8.   摩睺罗伽。                                                                                                                  Southern Wei

                        be  either  holy  “vajra  beings”  or                                                                                                                                                                                (China: 1987)

                        unenlightened                                    supernatural

                        beings from the heavenly (devic),

                        asura,  ghost,  or  animal  realms                                                                                          敦 煌 第220 窟 壁 画

                        who  are  “oath  bound”  to  protect                                                                                         “ 东 ⽅ 药 师 净 ⼟ 变”

                        the dharma and those who follow                                                                           Orchestra depicted in the
                                                                                                                                                                   ⾥ 的 乐 队

                        the dharma.                                                                                                        Bhaisajyaguru Sutra,

                                                                                                                        Mogao Cave 220 (China: 1992)

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