Page 61 - The Buddhist Pantheon as Seen Through Postage Stamps
P. 61
Flying Devata
Gandharvas 乾闼婆
Gandharva or flying devata 在佛教的信仰中,⼋部众之乾闼婆是
can fly through the air and are 天 界 的 乐 神, 演 奏 乐 曲 的 天 ⼈ 形 象 。
known for their skill as 在汉地的壁画中,还有乾闼婆更被艺
musicians. 术家塑造成⻜天的经典形象。
Gandharvas were described as
fierce warriors who could
challenge even the great
Kshatriya warriors. They were
also skilled in art, music and
dance. Some Gandharva tribes
were allied with the Devas and
sometimes with Yakshas. They
inhabited the land to the north
of Kailasa, close to the Deva
(China: 1984)