Page 146 - Applied Buddhism
P. 146

Cultural Imperialism                                                          wouldn’t the Buddhist value of simplicity and purity find no place?
                                                                                             In a culture that commonly uses Christian names wouldn’t Buddhist
               The entry of foreign  based Buddhist and pseudo-Buddhist                      names be out of place?
           organisations into Malaysia has no doubt changed the landscape
           of Malaysian Buddhism.  However, there is another aspect, i.e.,                       What is worst, when people give up their antecedent culture
           the direct impact of economic globalisation  upon Malaysian                       to embrace the imperial culture, there is a great tendency that they
           Buddhism, which must be examined.  We shall now take a look at                    will also give up their antecedent religion. This is because there is
           how economic globalisation is subtly changing the landscape of                    no reason for them to hold on to their antecedent religion which
           Malaysian Buddhism.                                                               promotes many values that are incongruent to the new culture that
                                                                                             they now embrace. In fact, there is good reason for them to embrace
               As a result of economic  globalisation,  cultures are  also                   Christianity – a religion of that imperial culture.
           globalised.  The local cultures of many societies now  face the
           challenge of being swallowed up by the perceived superior culture                     Perhaps partly due to the above reason, many traditional
           of the West, or more precisely, American culture. American culture                Buddhists-Taoists left Buddhism. The traditional Buddhists-Taoists
           is economically driven, and hence its value system is quite different             population among Malaysian Chinese dropped from 90% in 1980
           from the traditional value system found in the culture of oriental                to 86% in 2000 .
                                                                                                 Some Buddhist organisations are adopting certain  practices
               Aided by ICT and powerful financial patronage, the Western                    of the imperial  culture, so as to be perceived as modern and
           world successfully promoted the belief that their culture is superior             attractive. So instead of saying “pay homage to the Buddha” they
           to other cultures. They make those who are unable to cope with                    say “union with the Buddha!”; instead of thrift and simplicity, they
           their culture feel inferior. Those who feel inferior then turn away               adopt elaborate and fashionable approach in undertaking projects
           from their antecedent culture and adopt the culture of the West. As               and activities.  Some monks, instead of putting palms together as
           a result, Western culture quickly swept through the globe. This is                a form of greeting,  shake hands with others, including  women.
           cultural imperialism.                                                             They somehow adopt, or surrender to, some approaches of Western
                                                                                             culture in order to keep up to the demands of the present time.
               When the antecedent cultural elements, such as values, world
           views, customs, traditions, rites, eating habits, dress codes, language
           are being replaced by the imperial culture of the West, the religion
           of the antecedent cultural group was also challenged. For example,                12.   For a more detailed discussion on this subject, see Ang Choo Hong: Religious Life in
           in a culture that values “speed” and “efficiency”, wouldn’t people                Contemporary Society. Published by Buddhist Missionary Society Malaysia. 2002. PP143-
           find it hard to dedicate a whole day to observe eight precepts, or                156.
           meditation?  In a culture that values “brand”, “style”, “fashion”,

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