Page 148 - Applied Buddhism
P. 148

In line with the approach of Western culture, some monks are                      Greed is part of human nature and has always existed in human
           portrayed as celebrity, very much like the film stars of Hollywood.               society.  However, under the pretext of globalisation, greed is now
           Their organisations and followers carefully planed and fashioned an               exploited to the fullest and even institutionalised. Many financial
           image for them, through the use of mass media like TV, newspapers,                instruments are now created, not so much to generate goods and
           and  publications.  Followers proudly  used Hollywood  terms  like                services  but  more  to  induce  people  to  make  quick  bucks out  of
           “handsome”, and “funny” to describe their masters, and of course                  borrowed or virtual capital. This is casino economy and is a form
           peppered with some Buddhist terms like “enlightened”, “wise and                   of institutionalised greed. As a result of this, “greed” has taken the
           compassionate”.                                                                   centre stage in all human affairs.

               The wasteful, consumer driven value system of the imperial                        Hitherto,  human  beings have  always occupied the  centre
           culture is now apparent among many Buddhist organisations,                        stage in all worldly affairs. With the advent of Greedabalisation,
           particularly those coming from foreign countries.   While on the                  that  central  position  is now taken  over by “greed”  or “money”.
           one hand, these organisations preach environmental conservation,                  Humanity has been alienated.
           saying that it is a Buddhist practice, on the other hand, they spend
           lavishly when organising activities (like spending a huge sum of                      This alienation of humanity means that traditionally cherished
           money on opening ceremony gimmicks)  and piling up heaps of                       human qualities such as love, compassion, generosity, truthfulness,
           paper cups and plates after each event. They apparently do not see                mutual respect…are now marginalised.  What is more cherished
           the contradiction of their preaching and practice.                                now are money, wealth, fame, social status…, or in short, greed.

               Of course, this is not to say that there is nothing worth learning                This alienation of humanity posed a great challenge to Buddhism.
           from Western culture. The critical issue is how do Buddhists adjust               Buddhism is a humanistic religion. It upholds the supremacy and
           and adapt themselves to the onslaught of a new culture without                    dignity of the human race. It advocates the development of human
           sacrificing  their  original  and  valuable  culture  by  upholding  the          qualities  to the highest level.  This human-centred approach of
           Dharma.                                                                           Buddhism is in contrast to the greed-centred approach of the present
                                                                                             greedabalised world. The two are diametrically opposite and cannot
               Alienation of Humanity                                                        be easily reconciled.

               Economic globalisation, which is borderless, spins around the                     Yet many Buddhist leaders and organisations do not see this.
           axis of liberalisation. The whole basis of this economy is based                  They  seem  to  succumb  themselves  to  greedabalisation  without
           on arousing and exploiting human greed. Globalisation is therefore                even been aware of it. In Malaysia, and in many other countries,
           aptly called Greedabalisation by some.                                            Buddhists now proudly talk about the “success” or “achievement”

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