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Third, there is the commercialisation of temples. One cannot                  or MBAs from unknown sources!  Some monks live luxurious lives
           deny that there had always been some form of commercial activities                with cars, condos, TVs, DVDs, air-conditioned bedrooms, karaoke
           within the temple.   These activities  are necessary to sustain the               sets, branded watches and spectacles.  Admittedly some of these
           main role of the temple as a place of learning and worship .  This                amenities may be necessary for Dharma propagation work but one
           has never been an issue. However, when greed takes precedence,                    cannot deny the fact that most of the time these amenities were
           some temples focus more on commercial activities rather than their                there to pamper the senses of the monks.  When their roles and life
           original role of teaching the Dharma. Temple committee members                    styles are alienated, they may eventually slip into disrepute, as in
           and monks spend more time attending to the commercial activities                  the case of a high-profile monk in Singapore some years ago.
           rather than on their primary roles. This scenario is now called the
           “Shao Lin phenomenon” in reference to the commercialisation of                        Alienation? Paradigm?
           Shao Lin Temple in China. The end result is that some big temples
           in Malaysia reaped in millions of ringgit per year, while doing very                  In  his  paper  presented  at  the  First  World  Buddhist  Forum
           little in terms of Dharma propagation and education.                              (2006) in Hangzhou, China, Prof. Yu Xiang Zhou pointed out that
                                                                                             there are two possible outcomes from the impact of globalisation
               Fourth, Alienation of monks.  The primary role of a monk is                   upon Buddhism. Firstly, it is the alienation of Buddhism from its
           self cultivation and preaching of the Dharma.  When monks do not                  original purpose, and secondly, the emergence of Buddhism as a
           devote themselves to this primary role but instead spend their time               new paradigm to the world.
           on  organisational  activities,  administration,  attending  meetings,
           socialising (with wives of politicians and wealthy supporters ), all                  The outcome now depends very much upon the leadership of
           in the name of Dharma propagation or welfare works, their roles                   the Buddhist world.  If there is greater awareness and sustained
           are alienated.                                                                    effort on the part of the Buddhist leaders,  there  is a possibility
                                                                                             that Buddhism may offer an alternative  paradigm to the world.
               Not only are roles alienated, life styles are also alienated too.             Otherwise,  Buddhism  itself  may  be  alienated,  surviving  only  in
           Some monks, for instance, seek worldly recognition like academic                  name.
           qualification to the extent that they were willing to obtain their PhDs
                                                                                                 Malaysian Buddhism must now wake up to face this reality.

           17.    A  differentiation  is  made  here  between  “having  commercial  activities”  and
           “commercialisation”.                                                              (Paper presented at the 1st International Conference on Malaysian Buddhism
                                                                                             held at Bodhi Park, Shah Alam, Malaysia on 13th Dec, 2019)
           18.  Since politicians and wealthy supporters do not always have time for the monks, the
           monks turned to socialise with their wives.

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