Page 45 - Applied Buddhism
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biotechnology  financially  rewarding  as  they  discover  greener   the readers to arrive at their own conclusions. This paper will begin
 pasture in this new field of human adventure. On a positive note,   with a brief description of the Buddhist paradigm, which will serve
 biotechnology is now seen as the means to sustain food production,   as a useful tool to examine the issues at hand. Thereafter, some of
 treat diseases, enhance human traits, and improve the general well-  the contentious issues will be dealt with.
 being of mankind.
            The Buddhist Paradigm
 Such optimisms are not unfounded. As it is, biotechnology has
 displayed some degree of relevance and usefulness in the field of   The Buddhist paradigm is characterised by certain distinctive
 agricultural production, and hence raises greater hope on the roles   features, which are as follows:
 it could play. For instance, commercial production of genetically
 modified crops (GMCs) is known to reduce production costs.  As   1.   Dependent Origination. In the Buddhist world-view, the
 such, over half of the major crops such as soybean, corn and canola   cosmos is not a mechanical body comprising all types of matter.
 grown in USA, Argentina, and Canada today are GMCs. In China,   Rather, it is an inter-related complex, where space, time and matter
 2,000 hectares of land were planted with insect-resistant cotton –   are interdependent. Without one of them, we could not imagine the
 the BT cotton - in 1997. The figure increased to 7000 hectares by   others. In the Madhyamakakārikā, it is mentioned that “if there is
 2000 and shot up to 2.2 million hectares (or 53% of land for cotton   no matter, where is time and space”?  (This is akin to the theory of
 production) by December 2002. This rapid increase was due largely   relativity propounded by Albert Einstein). The Law of Dependent
 to the reduced production cost of BT cotton.   Origination taught by the Buddha 2500 years ago explained that
        the origin and cessation of a phenomenon is dependent and related
 However, biotechnology  is not without  problems.  While   to  the  cessation  and  origination  of  another  phenomenon.  The
 acknowledging that it offers hopes and opportunities to mankind,   law explained that in the whole cosmos, nothing exists by itself.
 there are also fears, anxieties, uncertainties, and risks associated   Every phenomenon, including our own self, is interdependent, and
 with this new technology. Some environmentalists and consumers   interrelated.
 are objecting to its role in human life while some social activists
 see it as yet another tool of the TNCs to exploit the world. Some   2.  Three Characteristics of Life.  The three characteristics of
 ethicists and religionists are also challenging the ethical grounds of   life are Unsatisfactoriness (dukkha), Impermanence (anicca), and
 biotechnology.  No-Self (anattā). According to Buddhism, all phenomena (Dharma)
        are without “self”.  The sense of ‘self” we hold so dearly  is a
 What is the Buddhist perspective on this contentious technology?     delusion. The so-called “self” is impermanent and has no essence
 This paper will attempt, not so much to offer direct answers to some   – it is void (śūnya). Seen in this perspective, human beings, as well
 of the issues at hand (which is not practical in view of the complexity   as the environment they live in, are all interrelated, ever changing,
 involved), but to offer certain views and approaches that may help   and devoid of a permanent entity.

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