Page 46 - Applied Buddhism
P. 46

3.    Mind-Matter Aggregates. In the higher Buddhist philosophy               feeling  of compassion (karuṇā) arises and becomes a guiding
           (abhidhamma),  human  life  is  analysed  as  a  composite  of  five              principle in our actions.
           bundles of energies known as the Five Aggregates, namely: feeling,
           perception, volition, consciousness, and the physical body. The first                 Continuous Quest to Reduce Suffering
           four are mental energies. The mind, in particular the volitional aspect
           of it, is of key importance. In the Dhammapada, it is mentioned that                  The pursuit of biotechnology represents the continuous cravings
           “Mind (citta) is the forerunner of all things.”                                   of mankind for the pleasures of existence. Psychologists see this
                                                                                             as the deep seated desires of all human beings to seek happiness
               4.     Three Unwholesome Roots (akusala-mūla). The human                      and  avoid  pain.  But  from a  Buddhist  perspective,  existence  is
           mind  is  defiled  by  three  unwholesome  roots  of  Greed  (lobha),             characterised by impermanence (anicca), suffering (dukkha), and
           Hatred (dosa), and Delusion (moha). When one’s speech, action                     non-self (anattā).
           and thoughts are rooted in these unwholesome roots, unwholesome
           results would follow, inflicting suffering (dukkha) to the doer and the               Since time immemorial man has tried to exploit nature in his
           people around him. Conversely, when one speaks, acts and thinks                   quest for happiness. Over the centuries, man has made tremendous
           without Greed, Hatred, and Delusion, good results would follow.                   improvements in the quality of life. From the simple use of fire
           This is known as the law of Karma, which is the core of Buddhist                  and  basic  tools  during  the  Stone  Age,  mankind has  progressed
           ethics.  The three  unwholesome  roots need  to be transformed  to                to  the  stage  where  he  is  able  to  fly  to  the  moon.  This  success
           their  positive  counterparts  of Generosity, Loving-Kindness, and                has encouraged mankind to continue his quest for adventure and
           Wisdom, which when practiced will lead to good results.                           happiness unabated. After major breakthroughs in modern science
                                                                                             and technology over the past century, the next frontier for another
               5.    Transcendence.  This refers to the potential of all human               breakthrough will be biotechnology.
           beings to overcome their shortcomings, develop spiritual wisdom,
           and attain liberation.  In the Buddhist teachings, all human beings,                  In the early days of this adventure, alchemists were seen as
           through proper cultivation, can replace greed with generosity, hatred             witches. Their experiments were frown upon.  Copernicus, Galileo
           with loving kindness, and delusion with wisdom. The perfection of                 Galilee, Charles Darwin and many others were persecuted.  This
           these virtues will lead to the supreme bliss of Nibbāna (nibbānam                 was  the attitude  of the powers  to be, who  were afraid to lose
           paramaṃ sukham).                                                                  their  monopoly over knowledge  (though not necessary the  right
                                                                                             knowledge), and hence power.  Today, at the threshold of another
               6.     Ahiṃsā. It means non-harming or non-cruelty. It is the                 breakthrough, are we allowing history to repeat itself?  Are we too
           principle of, and respect for, the intrinsic value of all sentient beings,        afraid to explore an unknown area? Why should biotechnology not
           not just human life. This respect is accorded to human beings for                 be given a chance to prove itself?
           their intrinsic right to live. It is out of this respect for life that the

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