Page 51 - Applied Buddhism
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more communication and discussion between all parties involved.    In the  teaching  on Dependent  Origination,  human  beings
        through their actions influence their lives and the environment they
 In this respect, Buddhism must be prepared to work with other   live in. They will continue to change life after life, in which their
 parties to navigate  a safer, nobler, and more spiritual  course as   genetic  composition  also change.  Thus, Buddhism does not  see
 we venture into this uncharted but promising arena. The Buddhist   biotechnology as an invasion to an existing grand design, but as a
 concept of Dependent Origination and its perspectives of continuous   natural manifestation of change.
 change or Impermanence, and Non-self, would be able to provide a
 useful orientation for mankind to live in a future world of rapid and   Furthermore, the experience of suffering (dukkha) which affects
 continuous change, where both man and nature will be continuously   all living beings is not created by any divine being. Human beings
 remade or reconstituted.  are defective, imperfect, and unsatisfactory and hence deserve
        improvement and enhancement. Biotechnology represents another
 Man Playing God?  human attempt  to overcome  one’s suffering (dukkha), through
        modification of genes, from the tiniest organism to man himself.
 One of the grounds of objection to research and development   Buddhism does not see this as man playing God, but as man trying
 in biotechnology is that it is invading a territory that is reserved for   to improve himself.
 a divine Creator. Lives, as seen by dominant ethical and religious
 systems, are well-designed by a Creator to serve specific purposes.   Natural and Unnatural
 Thus, human beings should not be manipulating or meddling with
 God’s creatures. Any attempt to modify or enhance the nature of   Along the theological argument against biotechnology is the
 these creatures amount to an insult or a challenge to the Creator.   view that living beings should be left as natural as possible, without
 Furthermore, such an attempt is bound to disrupt the well-designed   subjecting them to artificial tampering. The introduction of genes of
 pattern  and orderliness  of existing  creation  thereby  resulting  in   arctic fish into tomato to increase its frost resistance, for example,
 disastrous consequences. In other words, man should not play God.  is objected because it is unnatural. The basis of this argument is
        that nature is inherently good. This attempt to evaluate things by
 Unlike these dominant ethical and religious systems, Buddhism   distinguishing between natural and unnatural or the “world of born”
 sees the world and life in a different perspective. Buddhism does   and “world of made” is simple dualism that is inadequate from the
 not see man as a unique creation that is part of a grand design. On   Buddhist perspective.
 the contrary, man is seen not separate from the cosmos, but as a
 manifestation of it. The characteristics of the cosmos and its many   In the first place Buddhism does not see the world as a simple
 manifestations  are  Unsatisfactoriness,  Impermanence  (Change),   construct of nature-nurture.  Rather, it sees the world as a complex
 and Non-self, which are all part of natural law.    of  interdependence  and  interrelatedness.  In  this complexity,  the
        boundary between nature and nurture, if it does exist, is hard to

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