Page 28 - GPHS Environmental Public Health Standards (Foundation of Public Health) v1
P. 28
Food Protection
Refrigerated and
Frozen PHF Package Integrity Shellstock Identification
➢ Refrigerated potentially
hazardous food must Egg and Milk Food packages must be ➢ Shellfish must be received
be at a temperature of Products in good condition and with shellstock
5°C (41°F) or below protect the integrity of the identification tags
when received contents, so the food is ➢ Tags indicate when and
Liquid, frozen, and dry not exposed to where the shellfish were
➢ All foods labeled and eggs and egg products adulteration or potential harvested
shipped frozen by a must be obtained contaminants. canned ➢ Must be kept on file for 90
food-processing plant pasteurized. goods with dents on end days from the date the last
must be received or side seams must not shellfish was used from its
frozen -4°C (-18 °F) or be used. delivery container