Page 30 - GPHS Environmental Public Health Standards (Foundation of Public Health) v1
P. 30
Food and Ingredient Cross-Contamination
➢ Keep all storage areas
➢ Store food in
➢ Store all items in clean and dry ➢ Wrap or cover food
designated storage containers intended ➢ Clean up spills and leaks ➢ Store raw meat, poultry,
areas for food immediately and seafood separately
➢ Store items away from ➢ Use containers that ➢ Clean dollies, carts, from ready-to-eat food
walls and at least six are durable, leak transporters, and trays ➢ If this is not possible,
inches (15 cm) off the proof, and able to be often store ready-to-eat food
floor sealed or covered ➢ Store food in containers above raw meat, poultry,
➢ Store single-use items ➢ Never use empty that have been cleaned and seafood
(e.g., sleeve of single- food containers to and sanitized ➢ This will prevent juices
use cups, single-use store chemicals; ➢ Store dirty linens in from raw food from
gloves) in original never put food in clean, nonabsorbent dripping onto ready-to-
packaging empty chemical containers or washable eat food
laundry bags