Page 39 - GPHS Environmental Public Health Standards (Foundation of Public Health) v1
P. 39

Potable Water - Main risks - Harmful microbes in water

                              Total coliforms

                                                                                                                           Intestinal Enterococcus
                        ➢ Coliforms are a broad class
                           of bacteria and include                            Escherichia coli
                           those that can survive and                                                                     ➢ The intestinal enterococcus
                           grow in water.                                  ➢ E. coli is a type of                            group can be used as an
                        ➢ Hence, they are not useful                         coliform and is                                 index of fecal pollution.
                           as an index of specific fecal                     considered the most                          ➢ Most species do not multiply
                           pathogens, but they can                           suitable index of fecal                         in water environments.
                           be used as an indicator                           contamination                                ➢ Important advantages of this
                           of treatment                                      monitoring, including                           group are that they tend to
                           effectiveness, and to                             surveillance of drinking-                       survive longer in water
                           assess the cleanliness                            water quality.                                  environments than E. coli
                           and integrity of                                ➢ The guideline value is                          or thermotolerant
                           distribution systems, and                         zero (0) E. coli per 100                        coliforms and are more
                           the potential presence of                         ml of water.                                    resistant to chlorination.
                           biofilms.                                                                                      ➢ Guideline value is zero(0)
                        ➢ The guideline value is zero                                                                        per 100 ml of water.
                           (0) coliforms per 100 ml of
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