Page 47 - GPHS Environmental Public Health Standards (Foundation of Public Health) v1
P. 47

Adverse health outcomes associated with swimming pools

                                        Infection                                Poisoning, toxicoses and
                                                                                   other conditions that                       ➢ Entrapment occurs when

                              ➢ Ingestion, inhalation or                           may arise from long-                           someone becomes stuck
                                 contact with pathogenic                         term chemical exposures                          to a drain or suction fitting
                                 bacteria, viruses, fungi and                                                                     in a pool or spa, either from
                                 protozoa, which may be                          ➢ Contact with, inhalation or                    water suction, or from
                                 present in water and pool                         ingestion of chemically                        getting stuck in an
                                 surroundings as a result of                       contaminated water,                            opening— even if the
                                 fecal contamination,                              ingestion of algal toxins                      pumps are turned off.
                                 carried by participants.                                                                      ➢ It is a serious potential
                                                                                   and inhalation of
                                                                                   chemically contaminated                        hazard, particularly for
                                                                                   air.                                           children, who are too small
                                                                                                                                  to break away.
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