Page 100 - PG 101-Course notes مذكرة النظري 24-25 with spec
P. 100

Medicinal plants (PG 101)                                        Level 1                              Clinical Pharmacy-PharmD

                  The Vascular tissue:

                      ▪  In the center, there is the main vascular bundle. The type of the V.B. of the leaf

                         is the same as that in the corresponding stem.
                      ▪  The  vascular  tissue  is  formed  of  xylem  and  phloem  arranged  in  strands;  the

                         xylem is located above the phloem.
                      ▪  The protoxylem is directed towards the upper epidermis.

                        In Dicot :

                      o  The large bundles is surrounded by several layers of parenchyma (sheath).
                      o  Supporting tissues are of collenchyma cells located below the upper and lower
                         epidermis opposite to the bundles.

                        In monocots:
                      o  The  bundle  sheath  may  be  parenchyma  or  sclerenchyma  or  thick  walled

                      o  Supporting tissues are usually fibers (above and below the bundles).

                                       Comparison between Dicot leaf and monocot leaf

                             Items                      Dicot leaf                       Monocot leaf

                            Stomata         Dicot stomata type                   Monocot stomata

                          Epidermis         Usually        polygonal        or  Usually, elongated cells
                                            polyhedral cells

                         Palisade and       Present                              Absent

                              V. B.         Open or bicollateral                 Closed collateral

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