Page 105 - PG 101-Course notes مذكرة النظري 24-25 with spec
P. 105

Medicinal plants (PG 101)                                        Level 1                              Clinical Pharmacy-PharmD

                  Annual rings:

                      ▪  In spring, when a new branches and leaves are being formed, water conducting
                         elements are developed wider than in  the  following season  (early or spring

                      ▪  The wood formed later in the season, in summer or in early autumn is called
                         (late, summer or autumn wood).

                      ▪  No line exits between the two parts of a ring but there is a sharp line between the
                         late wood of one year and the early wood of the next year

                      ▪  Concentric zones or rings which may be served as a mean for counting the age
                         of plant

                      ▪  An annual ring therefore consists of two parts, an inner layer is the spring wood
                         and an outer (darker layer) is the summer Wood.

                      ▪  The annual rings can be visible even to naked eye and serve as a mean of counting
                         the age of the plant.

                                      Spring wood                                 Summer wood

                        ■ Is wider                                   ■ Much denser

                        ■  Bigger  proportion  of  vessels  and  ■ Narrow elements, mainly fibers and
                        less fibers                                  less vessels.

                        ■ Vessels wider, less thick wall, less  ■ More thickened and lignified walls

                        lignified.                                   and small lumen.

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