Page 213 - PG 101-Course notes مذكرة النظري 24-25 with spec
P. 213
Medicinal plants (PG 101) Level 1 Clinical Pharmacy-PharmD
Pharmacognosy means the knowledge of drugs. This word is derived from the
Greek words "pharmakon" which means drug and "gnosis" which means
knowledge of.
o This science is related to the study of the sensory characters, structural,
and chemical constituents of crude drugs of vegetable, mineral and
animal origin (natural). It also includes their cultivation, collection,
preservation, preparation for the markets as well as their evaluation.
✓ Crude drug means the collected, usually dried, or fresh, plant or animal product
of medicinal use without any further processing. Official drug is that drug
described in the pharmacopoeia (a book recognized by the government as a legal
authority for standards).
History of pharmacognosy and folk medicine:
▪ In the earliest times, man studied the plants and animals as a source of food. In
the meantime, by observation, trial and error, man was able to distinguish
between poisonous and nonpoisonous plants and to discover the healing
properties of some of them. The collective data about plant forms having
therapeutic uses is the well-known "Folk Medicine". The ancient Egyptians
possessed an understanding of the human anatomy as well as knowledge of the
medicinal uses of many plants and animal products. Among the plants used by