Page 93 - PG 101-Course notes مذكرة النظري 24-25 with spec
P. 93
Medicinal plants (PG 101) Level 1 Clinical Pharmacy-PharmD
Items dicot stem monocot stem
Stomata Dicot stomata if present Monocot stomata if present
Hypodermal layer May be all of types of Mostly sclerenchyma
ground tissues
Cortex and pith Found Not found
V. B. Open or bicollateral Closed collateral
Anatomy of the leaves
• The distribution of tissues in leaves is quite different from that of roots and stems.
• It is also different in both midrib and lamina regions.
• In T.S, tissues are arranged from upper to lower surfaces as follows:
o The epidermis
o The ground tissue
o The vascular tissue