Page 35 - Phytochemistry -1 (PG404) / Clinical Pharmacy 2nd level students ( 2019 )
P. 35

Clinical pharmacy PharmD program             Third level                        Phytochemistry-1 (PG-504)

                                      ESTIMATION OF A MIXTURE OF

                                   GLUCOSE, FRUCTOSE AND SUCROSE

                   1. To estimate the percentage of the total reducing sugars (glucose and

                   fructose) apply to the fore mentioned copper reduction method. Pill the
                   burette with the sugar solution and Fehling's solution as before.

                   2. To estimate the percentage glucose (aldose) only: Titrate another
                   portion of the mixture with 0.1 N I 2 solution following the fore
                   mentioned-iodometric method.

                   3. Calculate the Percentage of fructose (ketose) by subtracting the result
                   obtained in (2) from that obtained in (1).

                   4. To estimate the percentage of sucrose, apply the method mentioned
                   before for non-reducing sugars. In this case, the result corresponds to the
                   original glucose and fructose in addition to the invert sugar (resulting

                   from the hydrolysis of sucrose).

                   5. Subtracting the result obtained in (1) from that obtained in this

                   estimation gives the Invert sugar only.

                   In this estimation take 20 ml of the mixture and add 5 ml of concentrated
                   hydrochloric acid. Heat on a water-bath for 15 min at 70°C. Cool and

                   neutralize with sodium carbonate. Make up to 200 or 250 ml, in a
                   measuring flask a titrate against Fehling's solution in the usual way.

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