Page 124 - Pharmacognosy 2 PG303
P. 124

Pharmacognosy-2 (PG303)                              Level 2                Clinical Pharmacy-Pharm D

              Macroscopical Characters
              The drug has a narcotic odor and bitter saline taste. The stem is greyish- yellow, cylindrical,
              slightly compressed, finely longitudinally striated, slightly hairy and hollow. The leaves are pale
              green  to  yellowish  in  color,  alternate,  petiolate  (basal  leaves)  or  sessile  (upper  leaves)  and
              pubescent. The lamina is oval, rhomboidal to broad elliptical, entire margin with 2- 3 large teeth
              on  each  side  and  acuminate  apex.  The  flowers  are  shortly  stalked,  having  large  hairy  oval-
              lanceolate bracts, a tubular 5 teethed hairy calyx, and a yellowish- brown corolla, zygomorphic,
              funnel shaped with 5 unequal rounded lobes. The androecium is formed of 5 unequal stamens with
              deep  purple  anthers.  The  ovary  is  superior,  bicarpellary  and  bears  numerous  campylotropous
              ovules on axil placenta. The fruits are small pyxis, cylindrical, bilocular, enclosed in the persistent
              calyx and with or without the lid. The seeds are yellowish- grey to brown, flattened, more or less
              reniform, laterally compressed with reticulate testa, and a curved embryo in an oily endosperm.

              Microscopical Characters

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