Page 292 - Pharmacognosy 2 PG303
P. 292
Pharmacognosy-2 (PG303) Level 2 Clinical Pharmacy-Pharm D
Chemical ➢ On micro- ■ Test for
tests sublimation , Anthraquinones
powdered (Bornträger's test) :
Hydrastis yields a pink color in the
yellow crystalline ammoniacal layer
sublimate of (aqueous layer)
hydrastine . ■ Others???
➢ Shake powdered ❖ Rheum raponticum
Hydrastis with contains rhaponticin
CHCl3 filter, which is a stilbene
evaporate the derivative that has
filtrate to dryness, estrogenic effect .
▪ Residue + H2SO4 + ➢ It can be detected in
small crystal of the official drug by:
ammonium ✓ It gives blue
molybdate ,a green fluorescence in UV
color changed to radiation unlike
blue. rhubarb gives reddish
▪ Residue + H2SO4 + brown fluorescence .
few drops of ✓ Furfural test:
bromine ,a blood- furfural dps of
red color is conc .H₂SO₄ little
produced . powder if rhapontic
violet color .
Uses ▪ anti -inflammatory ▪ Expectorant : ■ Depending on the ▪ It resembles digitalis Rat poison
for the uterine used in bronchitis dose ,rhubarb can be in its action on the (Rodenticide)
mucous membrane . ▪ Emetine has used as: heart .It increases the
▪ isoquinoline alkaloid amoebicidal activity - Laxative )1-2 g) strength and reduces
constituents ▪ Larger amount of - Astringent and the frequency of the
(Antibiotic , the drug is a strong stomachic )0.1-0.2g) cardiac action .
Immunostimulant , emetic . ▪ It is a powerful
Anticonvulsant , expectorant &