Page 46 - Pharmacognosy 2 PG303
P. 46
Pharmacognosy-2 (PG303) Level 2 Clinical Pharmacy-Pharm D
Silique (Bicarperally ovary)
The silique is an elongated fruit composed of two carpels separated by a seed‐bearing partition. They are
the characteristic fruits of the mustard family (Brassicaceae).
capsule: Bi- or multicarpellary and is many seeded.
Types of capsules
splitting along longitudinal slit through the septa (ventral suture)
e.g., colchicum and linseed.
Splitting along the dorsal suture directly into the locules e.g., Cardamom.
c-Septifragal: splitting along ventral and dorsal sutures leaving the seeds
attached to central axis e.g., Datura.
d-Pyxis: Splitting along transverse slit i.e., open by lid. e.g., Hyoscyamous.
e- Poricidal: The capsules may be opened by holes or pores and
so called porous e.g. Poppy capsule.
C‐ Schizocarpic or splitting fruits:
More than one carpel fused together in young state but when ripe it splits into number of indehiscent parts. like
Cremocarp, Lomentum, Carcerulus and regma