Page 338 - Pharmacognosy 2 PG303 (1)
P. 338
Pharmacognosy-2 (PG303) Level 2 Clinical Pharmacy-Pharm D
Syn. : Gummiresina Ammoniacum; Ammoniae
Ammoniacum is the oleo-gum-resin obtained from Dorema ammoniacum
(Fam. Umbelliferae). The plant is a perennial herb, indigenous to central and eastern
Iran and the deserts near the Arabian Sea.
The oleo-gum-resin occurs in secretion canals through-out the plant and it
exudes as a result of insect punctures and hardens upon the stems and petioles. It is
then collected.
Ammoniacum occurs in commerce. in two forms, viz., tear ammoniacum and
lump ammoniacum. The tears are small, rounded, or nodular masses varying
usually from 0.5-3 cm in diameter; pale dull yellow in colour, darkens by keeping;
hard and brittle when cold; soften when warmed; internally, opaque, vary from
milky-white to pale brownish yellow; fractured surface, having a waxy lustre. Lump
aminoniacum, of agglutinated, whitish, yellowish-grey, or bluish-grey tears, mixed
with varying quantities of extraneous substances such as stones, dirt, stem and other
debris. The drug has a characteristic but not alliaceous odour. and a bitter acrid taste.
Test for Identity
Triturate a small amount of ammoniacum with water; it forms a white
emulsion, which is coloured deep orange-red by a solution of chlorinated soda,
yellow by KOH solution and faint violet by FeCl 3, due to the presence of traces of
free salicylic acid.
Ammoniacum contains from 0.1-1 % of volatile oil; from 65-70 % of resin
and from 12-20 % of gum.