Page 333 - Pharmacognosy 2 PG303 (1)
P. 333

Pharmacognosy-2 (PG303)                              Level 2                Clinical Pharmacy-Pharm D

                     Copaiba was used as a genitourinary disinfectant.  It has diuretic, stimulant,
              expectorant and laxative properties.

                                                Male Fern Oleo-resin

              Syn.:  Oleo-resina  Filicis;  Oleoresina  Aspidii;  Extractum  Filicis  Liquidum;
                    Extractum Filicis Ethereum; Extract of Male Fern; Aspidium Oleo-resin.

                     Male Fern oleo-resin may be prepared by exhausting male fern in moderately
              coarse powder, by percolation with ether.  Remove the ether, and evaporate the
              remainder of the percolate on a water-bath until an oleo-resinous extract remains.
              Determine the proportion of filicin in the extract by the method of assay.  We add,
              if necessary a sufficient quantity of a suitable official fixed oil to produce  Oleo-
              resina Filicis” of the required strength. Male Fern Oleo-resin contains not less than
              24 % and not more than. 26 % w/w of crude filicin.

                     Male Fern Oleo-resin is a thick, dark green liquid, frequently depositing a
              granular, crystalline substance; odor, agreeable; taste bitter and astringent.

                     Male Fern Oleo-resin is insoluble in water.  It is soluble in ether, and not less
              than 85 % of it is soluble in petroleum ether.

                     Flicin, filmarone, filicic acid, fixed oil, tannic acid and resins,

              Test for Identity
                     Mix about 0.1 g of Male Fern Oleo-resin and 0.2 g of talc, shake vigorously
              with 10 ml of hot alcohol, and then filter.  Add to 1 ml of the filtrate 9 ml of alcohol;
              a light green solution, which turns brownish, on the addition of 1 drop of ferric
              chloride T.S. is obtained.

                     Aspidium oleo-resin is an anthelmintic, specifically a taeniafuge.

                     Resins may also occur in association with gums and volatile oil, e.g. Myrrh,
              Asafoetida, Galbanum, Ammoniacum, Olibanum and Mastic.

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