Page 330 - Pharmacognosy 2 PG303 (1)
P. 330

Pharmacognosy-2 (PG303)                              Level 2                Clinical Pharmacy-Pharm D

              Tests for Identity
                 ▪ Determination of ether extractive:  Shake frequently for 6 h., in a 100 ml closed
                     flask,  1  g  of  finely  powdered  Scammony  resin  with  50  ml  of  freshly  re-
                     distilled ether, filter, then wash the residue with 10 ml of ether, and evaporate
                     the  mixed  filtrates;  the  residue  from  the  Mexican  Scammony  resin,  after
                     drying at 100 ºC., weighs not less than 0.6 g, while that from the Levant
                     Scammony resin weighs not less than 0.75 g.
                 ▪  It gives negative tests for Guaiacum resin and for Colophony (see under Jalap

                     Scammony resin is a cathartic with haydragogue activity.


                     Resins may also occur in association with gum and are called gum-resins.  The
              true medicinal gum-resin is represented, by Gamboge which is free of volatile oil.


                     Gamboge  is  a  gum-resin  obtained  from  Garcinia  Hanburyi  Hooker  filtus
              (Fam.  Guttiferae).  The  tree  attains  about  15  metres  in  height  and  grows  in
              Cambodia, Thailand, and Cochin China.

                     Spiral incisions through the bark from the ground upward are made. This
              permits the resinous emulsion present in the cortex and phloem to exude. It is usually
              collected in bamboo nodes, and when solidified, these are cracked open to give what
              is called Pipe Gamboge which is the best commercial variety. That which hardens
              on  the  ground  or  collected  in  leaves,  known  as  Cake  Gamboge,  is  more
              contaminated with dirt.

                     Gamboge  occurs  in  cylindrical  pieces  frequently  hollow  in  the  centre,  of
              variable lengths, 2-5 cm in diameter. Externally, it is reddish brown to dark orange,

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