Page 335 - Pharmacognosy 2 PG303 (1)
P. 335
Pharmacognosy-2 (PG303) Level 2 Clinical Pharmacy-Pharm D
Resin (45-60 %) consisting mainly of Sesquiterpenes and Sesquiterpene-
coumarins of the umbelliferone ether type (combined umbelliferone). This resin
yields on dry distillation umbelliferone. Volatile oil (3-17 %) containing pinene and
various sulphides: asadisulphide di-, tri- and tetra-sulphides. The volatile oil is
responsible for the characteristic alliaceous odor and taste of the drug due to its
content of sulphides. Gum (~ 25 %), which on acid hydrolysis produces: glucuronic
acid galactose arabinose and rhamnose.
Asafoetida is used as carminative, stimulant, expectorant antispasmodic and
as laxative.
Syn. : Gummiresina Galbanum; Anawashaque.
Galbanum is an oleo-gum-resin obtained by incision from the stems of Ferula
galbaniflua Boiss et Buhse. and certain other Persian species of Ferula (Fam.
Umbelliferae). The plant is a perennial herb, indigenous to northern and western
Iran and Afghanistan.
Oleo-gum-resin occurs in schizogenous secretion canals throughout the plant
and exudes as a result of natural wounds; the exudation being sometimes facilitated
by incising the stems above the roots.
Galbanum occurs in distinct rounded or irregular tears, 5-10 mm in diameter,
or in small masses of agglutinated tears, or in lumps formed of tears embedded in a
brownish matrix occasionally mixed with root, stem and fruit debris. Externally, it
is yellowish-brown or orange brown with a rough and often dirty surface. Internally,
it is pale yellowish opaque or sometimes translucent and bluish-green. Fracture,
granular readily softens by pressure; odor, characteristic and aromatic; taste, bitter
and disagreeable.
Test for Identity
Test for free umbelliferone : Thoroughly triturate about 0.5 g of Galbanum
with 2 g of sand, in moderately coarse powder, boil with 5 ml of alcohol 90 % in a
test tube for 1 or 2 minutes, then cool, and filter into 5 ml of alcohol 90 % to which
0.5 ml of strong solution of ammonium hydroxide, has been added; a blue
fluorescence is produced (c.f. Asafoetida).