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Ergonomics, incident reporting and
workers’ compensation
Ergonomics request
Texas Mutual’s goal is for all work areas to be optimally set up to avoid injury
and strain. You may submit an ergonomics request at any time to assess and
improve the comfort of your work area. Requests may be for new equipment
(i.e., a keyboard tray, a foot rest and/or a wrist rest), or to have your chair, desk
height or monitor adjusted, or for a full ergonomics assessment.
To make an ergonomics request, submit a TXM At Your Service ticket. Click
Employee Actions, and then choose Ergonomic Request.
Incident reporting
If you become ill or injured on the job or as related to your job duties, notify
your supervisor immediately. As soon as practical, complete a Safety Incident
Report in Workday, regardless of how minor the illness or injury may seem.
The Safety Incident Report helps us to capture the details of the incident and
to identify any potential hazards or unsafe conditions. If it becomes necessary
to file a workers’ compensation claim, the Safety Incident Report is the first
step in the process. Contact the Human Resources Safety Consultant if you
need assistance with completing the report.
Workers’ compensation
Your workers’ compensation benefits are provided in accordance with the
Texas Workers’ Compensation Act. If you are injured on the job, notify your
supervisor immediately. Complete an incident report and contact Human
Resources to begin the claims process.
If you disagree with the disposition of your claim, you may call the Texas
Department of Insurance, Division of Workers’ Compensation, Office of Injured
Employee Counsel for assistance. The statewide toll-free number for this
program is (866) 393-6432.
If your workers’ compensation claim is found to be non-compensable, your
time off from work will be classified as paid leave (if available), or unpaid
leave, and your benefits will be affected according to the leave type you take.
Benefit premiums while on workers’ compensation
Texas Mutual will continue to pay its portion of the premiums for your
medical, dental, group life and accident insurance, short-term disability, and
long-term disability coverage while you are off work. You are responsible for
paying your portion of premiums for medical, dental, and any optional
benefits you have elected. Upon your return to work, Workday calculates any
benefit premiums that were paid by Texas Mutual on your behalf during your
absence and deducts the premiums from future pay period(s)
If you are off work and not receiving your regular pay, your retirement plan
contributions (both yours and TXM’s) will cease until you return.
22 Employee Benefits Guide