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Disability benefits, cont.

                                                 Short-term disability income replacement

                                                                                      Percentage of
                                                 Years of Service
                                                                                   Income Replacement
                                                 Less than two years                      60%
                                                 Two through four years                   75%
                                                 Five through nine years                  90%
                                                 Ten or more years                        100%

                                                STD benefits are self-funded, meaning Texas Mutual finances STD income
                                                replacement from its revenues. Your income replacement benefit is based on
                                                your years of service and your rate of pay as of your last day of work before
                                                you became disabled and will remain the same during your disability. You
                                                may use available sick leave, vacation leave, or personal days to supplement
                                                your STD benefits up to your normal rate of pay.
                                                If you are a new hire, then your STD benefit is based on your date of hire. If
                                                you are a rehire (meaning you previously worked for Texas Mutual), and you
                                                return within one year of your termination date, then your STD benefit is
                                                based on your adjusted date of hire. If you are rehired more than one year
                                                from your termination date, then your STD benefit will be based on your
                                                rehire date.
                                                You are required to use your available sick leave, personal days, and/or
                                                vacation leave to cover your STD waiting period. You may not use unpaid
                                                leave unless no other appropriate type of leave is available (see the Employee
                                                Handbook of Policies and Procedures). While you are on STD leave, your sick
                                                leave, vacation leave and personal days continue to accrue.

                                                STD benefits will be paid for a maximum of 90 calendar days.

                                                Benefit premiums while on short term disability
                                                While you are on STD leave, Texas Mutual will continue to pay its portion of
                                                the premium for your medical and dental insurance, group life insurance, and
                                                short and long-term disability insurance. You are responsible for paying your
                                                portion of premiums for medical, dental, and the premiums for any optional
                                                benefits you have elected. While you are receiving STD benefits, your
                                                retirement plan contributions (both yours and TXM’s) cease until your return.
                                                Upon your return to work, Workday calculates any benefit premiums that
                                                were paid by TXM on your behalf during your absence and deducts the
                                                premiums from future pay period(s).

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