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P. 104
medication for any mental illness since that night in
September 2008. Because of Jesus Christ, I went from a
spiritually dead girl to being remade; a new creation in
Christ. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new
creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has
come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV
Millions of people have stories like mine. You
probably won’t hear these stories on the news stations, but
some are shared in books, on the web, and in Christian
Please know that some people have given their lives to
follow Christ but have later been led astray by false doctrine
and/or sin, so since I am still learning who is part of what
church and what movement, I cannot recommend many
people to disciple, but I will add a list of resources on my
author website.
I have been surprised at the number of labeled
“Christian” evangelists who are teaching false doctrine,
knowingly or unknowingly, so please do not blindly trust just
any pastor or church. If a pastor refuses to talk about sin,
repenting from sin, Hell, or rejects Jesus Christ as being God,
or rejects Jesus Christ as being the only way the Father, or
exalts born-again Christians or man as being equal to Jesus
Christ, then those are false teachers or Christians who are in
bondage to lies.