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However, sometimes we think we only need that

                                person, this or that job, or enough money to pay the rent, buy
                                a car, and pay bills, and yes,  we do have basic needs and
                                wants, but placing God first is the most critical need. Once
                                we do that, He satisfies every single need and quenches every

                                       “But  seek  ye  first  his  kingdom,  and  his
                                       righteousness; and all these things shall be added
                                       unto you.” Matthew 6:33 ASV

                                       My perception, emotions, and behavior have changed.

                                I also have more self-control and am pulsating with life and
                                energy! The Lord had to humble me so that I could see my
                                need for him. He regenerated me and began helping me to
                                see, to spiritually perceive, and to hear, to spiritually listen to

                                       Jesus Christ uses the word “repent” over and over in

                                the Bible, which is why I was originally going to title this book
                                Remade From Rue. One definition of Rue means repentance.
                                Of course, the repentance itself didn’t save me, but it was
                                necessary. Jesus Christ is the One who saved me. He changed
                                my heart and helped me see that I needed to repent. He also

                                helped me to repent. I was remade by Christ. Christ was key.
                                He calls sinners to repent so that they can live the good life
                                with Him!

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