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P. 95
I woke up early on a Saturday ready to start the day,
which was a miracle. I couldn’t believe I was up before 11:00
a.m. I felt so alive and energized, not a nervous and spastic
energy, but a full, peaceful, vibrant, joyful energy. We hear
of fairy tales with happy endings all the time, but this is better
than any fairy tale I had ever heard, and it is true! I didn’t
know God was going to make me feel good inside!
I learned that life is not about “survival of the fittest,”
as I was as weak as a person could get when I gave my life to
Christ. I was coming down off a street drug, had
schizoaffective disorder, Attention Deficit Disorder,
depression, anxiety, a prescription drug addiction, and a
cigarette addiction. I was a size 0 and fading away. My
mother thought I was anorexic. People thought I was going
to die. I woke up delivered and stronger than ever because of
God changing me and living inside of me!
The Lord taught me that life is not about visualizing
who I want to be, and then pretending to be that person, or
expecting to receive what I request from the “universe,”
which is a created thing. The good life is in surrender and
knowing Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. We are all born
into sin, but once we are reconciled to Him, we are remade,
born again. It is then when we find out who we are because
we have been restored with our Maker. He then equips each
of us to carry out His mission for our lives. Nothing comes
close to knowing Him. He is my treasure!