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gentleness, self‐control; against such things,
there is no law.” Galatians 5:22-23 ESV
The next Sunday, I walked through the doors of that
church. I could see the fruits of the Holy Spirit in the people
holding the doors open. Smiling people full of joy!
A member, and now friend, asked if I wanted to do a
four-week study on Christ. She took me through a One on
One Discipleship folder and explained what I needed to know
about my relationship with Jesus Christ vs. my fellowship
with Him. It was critical that I understood that the Christian
Bible is the source of truth by which we are to measure proper
“Every scripture inspired of God is also profitable
for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for
instruction which is in righteousness.” 2 Timothy
3:16 ASV
I was learning that I needed to saturate myself in the
truth so that I could discern false doctrine and know the
Lord’s will. I began to see that He made my will line up with
His. I started working out and having ideas for ministry. I
was on fire for God, and I still am! I cannot get over His love!
It’s been over ten years since the night that I gave my
life to Christ. I still feel like I am in a fairy tale, much of the
time. Sure, I have rough days, and rough seasons, but now
the “GOD of the universe,” the Father, Son, and the Holy
Spirit, protects me, provides for me, and sustains me through