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any worse. The Holy Spirit impressed upon me – “You’ve
been your own little god all your life. How’s that working
out?” That caught my attention because it wasn’t working
out. I was a horrible little god! I knew He was telling me that
whatever He had to offer would be much better. I knew that
I was not going to make it without Him. I agreed that my
lordship over my life wasn’t working out, and I cried out
answering, “Please take over my whole life!”
I knew at that moment that I had completely given
myself to Him and trusted Him to do whatever He wanted to
do with me. I turned away from self (my “lordship”), and my
need to control my own life (repented) and instead decided
to submit entirely to His Lordship over every area of my life.
I didn’t bother with the thought of how I was going to do His
will. I must have known in my heart that He was going to help
I then laid in bed crying with the lights out. It wasn’t
long before I heard two of the most beautiful voices. Two or
more male voices were speaking gently and in a loving
manner telling me that the Adderall is hurting my brain, and
I don’t need to take it anymore. I could sense deep love. I
couldn’t believe I wasn’t being condemned. The male voices
were not angry with me. I knew God didn’t want me to harm
myself. I heard the voices talking among themselves. I
remember they were healing me and talked about my brain
and how I would be “good as new.” I finally fell asleep.