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P. 86
loves me, and was calling me to repent. He is also just and
merciful. He wanted me to know Him, which seemed
unbelievable. I couldn’t believe I had been treating Him like
a 'genie in a bottle.' He is not our slave or our servant. We are
not his god, and we are not to boss Him around and make
demands on Him.
I learned that Jesus Christ was not the voice yelling at
me for not being in proper position while I prayed. For
example, I would get on my knees, and hear, “stand up!” I
would stand up and hear, “get on your knees!” This would
happen a few times, as if I just couldn’t get it right, as if God
was frustrated and impatient. I later learned that the enemy
wanted me to believe that God was intolerant and upset with
me, all while I was trying to find my way to Christ.
In reading His Word, I noted how Jesus Christ asks us
to follow Him. People approached Him to be delivered and
healed. He didn’t scream at them. Jesus delivered and healed
them and asked them to repent and “sin no more.” He didn’t
Satan, “the voices,” or even “thoughts I had” seemed
to want me to feel as though God hated me and that He was
difficult to please, so I would not want to read His Word or
follow Him. The Bible shows that Jesus didn’t push people
away as they were seeking Him. Satan wanted me to believe
lies about God in order to keep me away from Jesus Christ. I
realized later that Satan had wanted me to believe that 'God