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P. 84

Him and know Him. He wanted a relationship with me.

                                       Shortly after this time period, Roy came over to see
                                me, and unfortunately, we were physically intimate, even
                                though I had no interest in getting back together with him.
                                I’m not sure if he had an interest either. I don’t remember. I
                                remember telling Roy about what I had learned about Jesus

                                Christ. I was starting to understand Jesus, but I hadn’t fully
                                submitted to His Lordship yet.

                                       I continued to read my Bible and pray. I also
                                continued to read Gondwe's books. During this time, my
                                psychiatrist suggested that I take a new medicine to reduce
                                the voices. I took the new medication one night. I could still

                                hear voices, but they were faint. However, the dose made me
                                sleepy and knocked me out.

                                       After that night, I believed God wanted me to work on
                                the root of the problems. If I just covered up the symptoms,
                                the problem or problems would still be there. If I didn't see

                                that a problem existed, I wouldn't be able to work on it. Plus,
                                I was not a danger to myself or others, so I decided to
                                discontinue taking anymore medication, other than
                                Adderall. I do not recommend anyone doing this without first
                                praying about it and speaking to his or her doctor.

                                       God wanted my mind focused on Him and His Word.

                                I wouldn’t be able to do that on strong medication that made
                                my brain foggy and susceptible to hearing and absorbing lies.
                                There was a significant battle going on for my mind, and I

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