Page 21 - NSRI_ORC 140 User Manual
P. 21
Coxswain/Helmsman to drive and position the vessel in the cradle.
• Deck crew to lower superstructure mast into the down position.
• Deck crew to lower the two VHF antennas on the wheelhouse roof into the down position.
• Port and starboard bow straps to be fitted to bow deck cleats first.
• Take up tension on bow straps, vessel to be kept in gear at idle speed.
• Port and starboard stern straps to be fitted to stern deck cleats.
• Command given to winch operator to start recovery of the cradle and vessel out of the water.
• As the vessel bow starts to settle on the cradle, Coxswain/Helmsman to place engines in neu-
tral and stop engines.
• Winch operator to stop recovery of the vessel into the boathouse before the boathouse doors.
• Coxswain to check that the superstructure mast and two VHF antennas are down, then to con-
firm with winch operator when he can winch into the boathouse to cradle stop position.
Once in the boathouse, the following occurs:
• Deck crew to lower gang plank.
• Deck crew to fit superstructure mast support to support the mast.
• 220 VAC supply to be connected to deck fitting and switched on.
• Deck crew to connect freshwater engine flushing supply to green deck fitting on starboard aft
deck and open the valve.
• Winch operator to open freshwater supply valve on the freshwater tank.
• Bosun to open flushing valves, allow freshwater to flush out the sea water filters, then close the
sea valves. System is then primed for freshwater engine flushing.
• Bosun to confirm with Coxswain on communications head set via the Jotron communications
system that he is ready to flush engines.
• Coxswain/Helmsman to confirm that ignitions are on and throttles are in neutral, then to give
Bosun the go ahead to start one engine at a time to flush with freshwater.
• Bosun starts the engines locally in the engine room, one at a time, and runs each engine to
flush for 5 minutes, at idle speed of 750 rpm.
• Each engine is stopped at the local engine room panel.
• When flushing is finished, the engine room fans are stopped.
• Freshwater valves are closed, and flushing pipe removed from deck fitting valve which is then
• Port and starboard seawater cooling valves are then opened.
If the vessel is staying afloat do the following: