Page 4 - UPDATED Sourcing Doctrine 3-22-21
P. 4
Snooze Approved Sourcing Standards Explained
The guest is our
Animals are not True North! First
subjected to and foremost,
unnecessary daily our food always
doses of antibiotics. has to be TASTY!
antibiotics are
acceptable if the
We prefer to do
animal is sick and is business with
removed from
production while those who are
the antibiotics clear about their
their system.
environment &
communities …
The animals that just like Snooze.
provide tasty
products to Snooze We may choose a
do not experience local product after
confinement during it is analyzed
their lives. I.e. no through the lens
cages, no gestation of our PPPP
crates, no farrowing model. Local
crates. examples include:
breads, tortillas,
It means no added jams & preserves,
Nothing on the 86’d We often reference trusted
rBGH or any other local craft beers &
growth stimulants to Ingredient list. No guidelines such as Rainforest We’ve visited the farmer spirits, hot sauces
artificial ingredients, Alliance, Monterey Bay Aquarium,
the animals that or producer to ensure & more!
contribute to Snooze colors, preservatives or USDA Organic and Sustainable the production meets
Food. (This is now flavors. This list can be Agriculture Network when making our standards, and we
referenced on the decisions about the best foods for
standard practice in love what they do.
today’s dairy farms). Snooze iPad. Snooze.