Page 99 - fourth year book
P. 99
5. Rest, Sleep:
The school child needs adequate periods of rest and sleep. This
differs according to the age of the child.
6. Adequate health services: either school health insurance,
governmental health services.
7. Psycho social needs as : security, safety, peer group interaction.
8. Health education: the children must understand the meaning of
health and create health consciousness which reflect on their health
Reasons for giving school age special considerations
1. They constitute a big sector of the population (32.7% of total
population EDHS 2008). This sector is easily reached through schools,
as by law, children are compelled to attend schools and spend about
half of their day for a period of 9 years.
2. School students are considered a vulnerable group. They are growing
exposed physiologic, mental and emotional stress at home or school.
3. Some children attend school with different health problems, could be
early discovered and treated.
4. School students are very active &curious so liable to accidents.
5. Health status of students is a strong determinant of their school
6. Students are affected by school environment.
7. School years are the best opportunity for health education.
8. We can reach parents through their children.
Morbidities and mortalities of school age children:
1. Morbidities:
Parasitic diseases: ascaris.
Respiratory diseases: influenza, tonsillitis, broncho-pneumonia.
Skin diseases: scabies, tenias.
Infectious diseases: typhoid, mumps, whooping cough.
Dental problems: dental caries, dental plague.
Chronic diseases: rheumatic fever, DM.
Diarrhea, food poisoning.