Page 96 - fourth year book
P. 96
Goal: By the end of this lecture, the students will be able to promote,
protect and maintain health of school children and reduce morbidity and
mortality among them
Intended Learning Objectives of Course (ILOs)
a. Knowledge and Understanding:
1. Define the concept of school nursing.
2. List the most common needs and problems among school children
3. List the main causes of mortality and morbidity among school
4. List the preventive measures done at school
5. List the curative services provided at school
6. Identify immunization schedule for school age children
7. Identify the component of screening tests
b. Intellectual Skills:
1. Identify the component of school health program
2. Discuss school health services
3. Identify the component s of school environment
4. Discuss the role of school health nurse
c. Professional and Practical Skills
1. Assess the existing hazards in the school environment
2. Provide age specific school based nursing care based on the
assessment and identification of needs and problems
3. Compare the actual role of school nurse with the ideal role in the
school health program
4. Apply school health nurse's role in particular situation
5. Demonstrate certain procedures as Weight, height…..
d. General and Transferable Skills:
1. Apply nursing care plan according to identified needs
2. Apply assessment techniques
3. Apply communication techniques between students and school health
nurses and students.
4. Use ethical consideration.
5. Use screening test practices.