Page 9 - statistical mathematics
P. 9

Parametric statistics

               Parametric statistics is a branch of statistics which assumes that sample data comes

               from a population that can be adequately modeled by a probability distribution that

               has a fixed set of parameters. Conversely a non-parametric model does not assume

               an  explicit  (finite-parametric)  mathematical  form  for  the  distribution  when

               modeling  the  data.  However,  it  may  make  some  assumptions  about  that

               distribution, such as continuity or symmetry.


               The  normal  family  of  distributions  all  have  the  same  general  shape  and  are

               parameterized by mean and standard deviation. That means that if the mean and

               standard deviation are known and if the distribution is normal, the probability of

               any future observation lying in a given range is known.
               Suppose that we have a sample of 99 test scores with a mean of 100 and a standard

               deviation  of  1.  If  we  assume  all  99  test  scores  are  random  observations  from  a
               normal distribution, then we predict there is a 1% chance that the 100th test score

               will  be  higher  than  102.33  (that  is,  the  mean  plus  2.33  standard  deviations),

               assuming that the 100th test score comes from the same distribution as the others.

               Parametric statistical methods are used to compute the 2.33 value above, given 99

               independent observations from the same normal distribution.

               Nonparametric statistics

               Nonparametric  statistics  is  the  branch  of  statistics  that  is  not  based  solely  on

               parametrized  families  of  probability  distributions  (common  examples  of

               parameters are the mean and variance). Nonparametric statistics is based on either

               being distribution-free or having a specified distribution but with the distribution's

               parameters unspecified. Nonparametric statistics includes both descriptive statistics
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