Page 146 - It Ends with Us
P. 146

I’m   inst ant ly   no t   laughi ng    any more.    I’m   on   the   floor,   my   ha nd

                pres sed  agains t the  corner  of my ey e.
                    In   a  matter   of  one   sec ond ,  R yle’s  arm  came     out  of  no where     and
                slammed  agains t me,  kno cking  me  backward. There  was eno ugh  force
                behi nd   it  to  kno ck  me  off  balanc e.   When      I  lost  my  footing ,  I  hi t  my
                face  on  one  of the  cabinet  door ha nd les  as I came  down.
                    Pain  sho ots thro ugh  the  corne r of my ey e,  right  nea r my tem ple.

                    And  then  I feel  the  wei ght .
                    Hea vines s   follows    and    it   pres ses    down   on   ev er y   part   of   me.    So
                much  gravity, pushi ng  down  on  my em otions . Ever ythi ng  sha tters .
                    My   tea rs,   my   hea rt,   my   laught er,   my   soul.   Sha ttered    like   broken
                glass, raini ng  down  around  me.
                    I   wrap   my   arms   over   my   hea d   and    try   to   wish   away   the   last   ten
                sec ond s.

                    “Goddammit,  Lily,”  I  hea r  hi m  say.  “It’s  no t  funny.  Thi s  ha nd   is  my
                fucking  career.”
                    I   don’t   look   up   at   hi m.   His   voice   does n’t   penet rate   thro ugh   my
                body thi s time.  It feel s like  it’s stabbing  me  no w, the  sha rpnes s of ea ch
                of hi s words coming  at me  like  swords. Then  I feel  hi m nex t to me,  hi s
                goddam n han d on  my back.

                    Rubbing .
                    “Lily,”  he   says.  “Oh,   God.  Li ly.”  He  tries   to  pull  my  arms  from  my
                hea d,  but  I  ref use  to  budge.   I  start  sha king   my  hea d,  want ing   the  last
                fif teen    sec ond s   to   go   away.   Fifteen   seconds .   That’s   all   it   takes    to
                complet el y cha ng e  ev er ythi ng  about a pers on.
                    Fifteen  sec ond s tha t we’l l nev er get  back.
                    He  pulls me  agains t hi m and  starts kissing  the  top of my he ad. “I’m

                so  sorr y.  I  just  .  .  .  I  burned   my  ha nd .  I  pani cked .  You  were   laughi ng
                and   .  .  .  I’m  so  sorr y,  it  all  happened   so  fast.  I  didn’t  mea n   to  push
                you, Lily, I’m sorr y.”
                    I don’t hea r R yle’s voice  thi s time.  All I hea r is my father’ s voice.
                    “I’m sor r y, Jenny. It was  an  ac cident. I’m so sor r y.”
                    “I’m sorr y, Lily. It was an  accident . I’m so sorr y.”

                    I  just  want   hi m  away  from  me.  I  use  ev er y  ounc e  of  streng th  I  ha ve
                in  both  my ha nd s and  leg s and  I force  hi m the  fuck away from me.
                    He   falls   backward,     ont o   hi s   ha nd s.   His   ey es    are   full   of   genu ine
                sorro w, but then  they ’re  full of somet hi ng  el se.
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