Page 153 - It Ends with Us
P. 153

bad ha bits for the  nex t sev era l mont hs .”

                    The  waiter  ret urns  with  a des sert  cart. “The  chef  gives  all ex pec tant
                mothers  des sert  on  the  ho use, ” he  says. “Cong ratulations .”
                    “He  does ?” Allysa says, perk ing  up.
                    “Gues s   tha t’s   why    it’s   called    Bib’s,”   Marsha ll   says.   “Chef    likes    the
                babies .”
                    We  all look at the  cart. “Oh,  God,” I say, looking  at the  options .

                    “Thi s is my new  favorite  res taurant ,” Allysa says.
                    We  pick  out  three     des sert s  for  the  table.   The  four  of  us  spend   the
                time  waiting  for it to be  ser ved  discussing  baby na mes .
                    “No,”  Allysa  says  to  Marsha ll.  “We’re       no t  na ming   thi s  baby  after   a
                state. ”
                    “But I love  Neb raska,” he  whi nes . “Idaho ?”
                    Allysa drops her  hea d in  her  ha nd s. “Thi s is going  to be  the  dem ise

                of our marri age. ”
                    “Dem ise, ” Marsha ll says. “Tha t’s actually a good na me. ”
                    Marsha ll’s  murder  is  thw arted   by  the  arri val  of  des sert .  Our  waiter
                places   a  piec e  of  cho colate  cake  in  front   of  Allysa,  and   step s  aside  to
                make  roo m  for  the      waiter   behi nd   hi m  who   is  ho lding   the   other   two
                des sert s.   The   waiter   motions      toward    the   guy   placing    our    des sert s

                down  and  says, “The  chef  would like  to ex tend  hi s cong ratulations .”
                    “How was the  mea l?” the  chef  asks, looking  at Allysa and  Marsha ll.
                    By  the   time   hi s  ey es   make   it  to  mine,   my  anx iet y  is  seep ing   from
                me.    Atlas   locks   ey es    with   me,    and    witho ut   thi nk ing ,   I   blurt   out,
                “You’re  the  che f?”
                    The    waiter   lea ns    around    Atlas   and    says.   “The   chef .   The   owner.
                Somet imes   waiter,  somet imes   dishw asher.  He  gives   a  new   mea ni ng   to

                ha nd s-on. ”
                    The   ne xt  fiv e  sec ond s  go  unn oticed   by  ev er yone     at  our  table,   but
                they  play out in  slow motion  to me.
                    Atlas’s ey es  fall to the  cut on  my ey e.
                    The  band age  wrapped  around  R yle’s ha nd .
                    Back to my ey e.

                    “We    love   your   res taurant ,”   Allysa   says.   “You   ha ve   an   inc red ible
                place  here. ”
                    Atlas  does n’t  look  at  her.  I  see  the  roll  of  hi s  thro at  as  he  swallows.
                His jaw ha rdens  and  he  says no thi ng  as he  walks away.
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