Page 156 - It Ends with Us
P. 156

“Atlas, stop!” I yel l.

                    Atlas   rel ea ses    R yle   forcef ully,   taking    a   hu ge   step    back.   R yle   is
                brea thi ng    hea vily,   staring    at   Atlas   long    and    ha rd.   Then   hi s   focus
                moves  direc tly to me.  “Atlas ?” He  says hi s na me  with  familiarity.
                    Why   is  R yle  say ing  Atlas ’s  nam e  like  that ?  Li ke  he ’s  he ard  me  say   it  before?
                I’ve  nev er  told hi m about Atlas.

                    I did.
                    Tha t firs t ni ght  on  the  roof. It was one  of my na ked  truths .
                    R yle  let s  out  a  disbel iev ing   laugh  and   point s  at  Atlas,  but  he’s  still
                looking  at me.  “Thi s is Atlas? The  ho mel es s boy you pity-fucked ?”
                    Oh,  God.
                    The    ha llway   ins tant ly   bec omes   a   blur   of   fis ts   and    el bows   and    my
                screa ms  for  them     to  stop.  Two  waiters   push  thro ugh  the  door  behi nd

                me  and  sho ve  past me,  sep arating  them  just as quickly as it started .
                    They ’re    pushed     apart   agains t   opposite    walls,   staring    ea ch   other
                down,  brea thi ng  hea vily. I can’t ev en  look at ei ther  of them .
                    I can’t look at Atlas. Not after  wha t R yle  just said to hi m. I also can’t
                look    at   R yle   bec ause   he’s   probably      thi nk ing    the   absolute    worst
                possible  thi ng  right  no w.

                    “Out!”    Atlas  yel ls,  point ing   at  the   door,  but  looking   at  R yle.   “Get
                the  hel l out of my res taurant !”
                    I  meet   R yle’s  ey es   as  he  beg ins   to  walk  past  me,   scared   of  wha t  I’ll
                see  in  them.  But there  isn’t any ang er  there.
                    Onl y hu rt.
                    Lots of hu rt.
                    He  pauses   as  if  he’s  about  to  say  somet hi ng   to  me.   But  hi s  face  just

                twists int o disappoint ment  and  he  walks back out int o the  res taurant .
                    I  fin ally  glanc e   up  at  Atlas  and  can    see   disappoint ment   all  across
                hi s  face.   Bef ore  I  can  ex plain  away  R yle’s  words  to  hi m,  he  turns   and
                walks away, pushi ng  thro ugh  the  kitchen  doors.
                    I imm ed iatel y turn  and  run  after  R yle.  He  grabs hi s jacket  from the
                booth    and   walks  toward  the      ex it  witho ut  ev en   looking   at  Allysa  and

                Marsha ll.
                    Allysa  looks  up  at  me  and   ho lds  her  ha nd s  up  in  ques tion.   I  sha ke
                my    hea d,   grab    my    purse    and    say,   “It’s   a   long    story.   We’l l   talk
                tomorro w.”
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