Page 157 - It Ends with Us
P. 157

I  follow  R yle  outside  and   he’s  walking   toward  the  parking   lot.  I  run

                to catch  up to hi m and  he  just stops and  punc hes  at the  air.
                    “I didn’t bring  my fucking  car !” he  yel ls, frustrated .
                    I  pull  my  key s  out  of  my  purse  and   he  walks  up  to  me  and   sna tches
                them  from my ha nd . Again,  I follow hi m, thi s time  to my car.
                    I  don’t  kno w  wha t  to  do.  I  don’t  kno w  if  he  ev en  want s  to  spea k  to
                me  right   no w.  He  just  saw  me  locked   in  a  bathro om  with  a  guy  I  used

                to be  in  love  with.  Then,  out of no where,  tha t guy attacks hi m.
                    God,  thi s is so bad.
                    When     we  rea ch  my  car,  he  he ads  straight   for  the  driver’s  side  door.
                He  point s to the  passeng er  side  and  says, “Get  in,  Lily.”
                    He   does n’t   spea k   to   me   the   ent ire   time   we’re   driving .   I   say   hi s
                na me  onc e,   but  he  just  sha kes   hi s  hea d  like  he’s  no t  rea dy  to  hea r  my
                ex plana tion  yet.  When      we  pull  int o  my  parking   garage,   he  get s  out  of

                the  car  as  soon  as  he  turns   it  off,  like  he  can’t  get   away  from  me  fast
                eno ugh.
                    He’s  pacing   the  leng th  of  the   car  when     I  get   out.  “It  wasn’t  wha t  it
                looked  like,  R yle.  I swea r.”
                    He  stops  pacing,  and   when  he  looks  at  me,   my  hea rt  doubles   over.
                There’ s    so   much     pain    in   his   ey es    right    no w,   and    it’s   no t   ev en

                nec es sary. It was all due  to a stupid misund ers tand ing .
                    “I   didn’t   want    thi s,   Lily,”   he   says.   “I   didn’t   want    a   rel ations hi p!   I
                didn’t want  thi s stres s in  my life! ”
                    As   much    as   he’s   hu rting    because   of   wha t   he   thi nk s   he   saw,   hi s
                words still piss me  off. “Wel l, then  leav e!”
                    “What ?”
                    I  thro w  my  ha nd s  up.  “I  don’t  want   to  be  your  burden,   R yle!   I’m  so

                sorr y my pres enc e  in  your life  is so unbear ab le!”
                    He  takes  a  step   for ward.  “Lily,  tha t’s  no t  at  all  wha t  I’m  saying .”  He
                thro ws  hi s  ha nd s  up  in  frustration  and   then     walks  past  me.   He  lea ns
                agains t my car  and  folds hi s arms over  hi s ches t. There’ s a long  stret ch
                of  silenc e  whi le  I  wait  for  wha t  he  ha s  to  say.  His  hea d  is  down,   but  he
                lifts it slight ly, looking  up at me.

                    “Naked   truths ,  Lily.  Tha t’s  all  I  want   from  you  right   no w.  Can  you
                plea se  give  me  tha t?”
                    I no d.
                    “Did you kno w he  worked  there?”
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