Page 162 - It Ends with Us
P. 162

Why   is  he  buying   me  gifts?  He  ha s  a  girlfriend .  I  ha ve  a  boyfriend .

                Our     past   ha s   alrea dy   caused    eno ugh    problem s      in   my   pres ent .   I
                cert ainl y don’t need  gifts to ex acerb ate  tha t.
                    “Why  are  you buying  me  gifts, Atlas?”
                    He   lea ns    back   in   hi s   sea t   and    crosses    hi s   arms   over   hi s   ches t.   “I
                bought   it  three  yea rs  ago.  I’ve  been  ho lding   on  to  it  in  case  I  ev er  ran
                int o you.”

                    Conside rat e Atlas . He  ha sn’t cha ng ed . Dammit.
                    I  pick  up  the   gift  and   set   it  on  the   floor  behi nd   my  des k.  I  try  to
                rel ea se   some   of   the   tens ion   I’m   feel ing ,   but   it’s   rea lly   ha rd   when
                ev er ythi ng  about hi m makes  me  so tens e.
                    “I came  here  to apologize  to you,” he  says.
                    I  wave  off  hi s  apology,  let ting   hi m  kno w  it  isn’t  nec es sary.  “It’s  fine.
                It was a misund ers tand ing . R yle  is fine. ”

                    He  laughs   und er  hi s  brea th.   “Tha t’s  no t  wha t  I’m  apologizing   for,”
                he  says. “I’d nev er  apologize  for def end ing  you.”
                    “You weren’ t def end ing  me, ” I say. “There  was no thi ng  to def end .”
                    He   tilts   hi s   hea d,   giving    me   the   same   look   tha t   he   gave   me   last
                ni ght .   The   one   tha t   let s   me   kno w   ho w   disappoint ed    in   me   he   is.   It
                sting s deep  in  my gut.

                    I clea r my thro at. “Why  are  you apologizing , then?”
                    He’s   quiet    for   a   moment .   Cont em plative.    “I   want ed    to   apologize
                for  saying   tha t  you  sound ed   like  your  mother.  Tha t  was  hu rtful.  And
                I’m sorr y.”
                    I  don’t  kno w  why   I  always  feel   like   crying   when    I’m  around   hi m.
                When      I   thi nk    about   hi m.   When    I   rea d   about   hi m.   It’s   like   my
                em otions  are  still tet hered  to hi m someho w and  I can’t fig ure  out ho w

                to cut the  string s.
                    His   ey es   drop   to   my   des k.   He   rea ches    for ward   and    grabs   three
                thi ng s. A pen.  A sticky no te.  My pho ne.
                    He  writes   somet hi ng   down  on  the  sticky  no te  and   then  proceed s  to
                pull   my   pho ne    apart.   He   slips   the   case   off   and    puts   the   sticky   no te
                bet ween    the   case   and   the   pho ne,   then   slides   the   cover   back  over   it.

                He  pushes   my  pho ne  back  across  the  des k.  I  look  down  at  it  and   then
                up at hi m. He  stand s up and  tosses  the  pen  on  my des k.
                    “It’s  my  cel l  pho ne  nu mber.  Keep   it  hi dden  there      in  case  you  ev er
                need  it.”
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