Page 165 - It Ends with Us
P. 165

Chapter Seventeen

                It’s after  sev en  bef ore  I get  ho me.  R yle  called  an  ho ur  ago and  said he
                wouldn’t be  coming  over  toni ght . The  conf usherc ackle  (wha tev er  tha t
                big  word  he  used   was)  sep aration  was  a  succes s,  but  he’s  staying   at  the
                ho spital overni ght  to make  sure  there  aren’ t complications .

                    I  walk  in  the   door  to  my  quiet  apartment .  I  cha ng e  int o  my  quiet
                pajamas.     I   ea t   a   quiet    sand wich.    And    then   I   lie   down   in   my   quiet
                bed room      and    open    my    quiet    new    book,   ho ping    it   can   quiet    my
                em otions .
                    Sure  eno ugh,   three     ho urs  and   the  majority  of  a  book  later,  all  the

                em otions   from  the  last  sev era l  days  beg in  to  seep   out  of  me.   I  place  a
                bookmark on  the  page  where  I stopped  rea ding  and  I close  it.
                    I stare  at the  book for  a long  time.  I thi nk  about R yle.  I thi nk  about
                Atlas. I thi nk  about ho w somet imes , no  matter  ho w conv inc ed  you are
                tha t   your   life   will   turn   out   a   cert ain   way,   all   tha t   cert aint y   can   be
                washed  away with  a simple  cha ng e  in  tide.
                    I  take  the  book  Atlas  bought   me  and   put  it  in  the  closet   with  all  my

                journa ls.  Then     I  pick  up  the   one   tha t’s  fil led   with  mem ories   of  hi m.
                And   I  kno w  it’s  fina lly  time  to  rea d  the  last  ent ry  I  wrote.   Then   I  can
                close  the  book for good.

                Dear  Ellen,

                    Most  of  the   time  I’m  than kful  you  do n’t  know  I  exist  an d  that   I’ve  never
                real ly mai led  you an y of the se thi ngs I write to you.
                    Bu t sometimes, especial ly tonight , I wish  you di d.  I just need  someone to tal k
                to  ab out  ever ythi ng  I’m  feeling.  It’s  been  six  months   since  I’ve  seen  Atlas   an d  I
                ho nestly   do n’t   know   whe re   he    is   or   ho w   he ’s   do ing.   So   much   ha s   hap pened
                since  the   las t  letter  I  wrote  to  you,  whe n  Atlas   moved  to  Bo ston.  I  tho ught   it
                was  the  las t time I’d  see hi m for a whi le, but it was n’t.
                    I   saw    hi m   ag ai n   af ter   he    left,   several    weeks   lat er.   It   was    my   sixteenth

                bir thday  an d  whe n he  sho wed  up, it becam e the  ab solute best day  of my life.
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